Selasa, 20 November 2012

Ladies Do not Try Smoking!!

There have been many articles or discourses on the impact of smoking both in terms of health and to the environment. But why yes there are still people smoking?? Meroko and women when there are big consequences they would receive if they smoke much less in the long term and have entered the stage of "addiction".

Do not even think to try to smoke. Dr. Harry A. Alamudin. MA., Medical Director Sahirman Sahid Memorial Hospital (SSMH), said that smoking is a habit that will eventually become a character and can not be separated from the main source, namely the mind. 

"Most smokers, especially in young children, smoking due to the influence of mind. If since the beginning of thinking of not smoking, would not even try, "said dr. Harry the inauguration Stop Smoking Clinic in SSMH, Jakarta, on July 13.Added WHO data identified that there are 4000 chemicals contained in cigarette smoke, and 25 chemicals is very dangerous, as well as 50 other types can lead to cancer.

Meanwhile, Dr. Aulia Sani, SpJP (K), heart and vascular specialists SSMH explained, the incidence of chronic diseases can easily be reduced simply by changing lifestyle. "Quitting smoking at any age remain profitable. So, do not delay in order to improve the quality of life immediately, "he said.

Likewise, for women smokers, In anatomy, women have other risks such as cervical cancer caused by smoking, oeteoforosis, and breast cancer. The scientists found that the concentration of carcinogens (substances that have the properties of radiation) of cigarette smoke on the mucus in the cervix of women. This condition is estimated to cause 2 things, that destroy cells that can develop into cervical cancer, and lowers the immune system so that she can live papilloma virus and cause an infection in this area.

Not only that, women smokers are also very likely to suffer from osteoporosis. In fact without smoking any woman more prone to suffer from osteoporosis, in the U.S. 68% of people with osteoporosis are women. This risk is further diperberbesar if women smoke, because smoking can lead to decreased bone density which lead to osteoporosis. Not just stop there, osteoporosis will be followed by other complaints such as premature menopause, the risk of fractures, and menstrual disorders.While breast cancer, the researchers said, is that a result of women smoking is not directly related in the case of breast cancer. But smoking increase the opportunities for women smokers develop the disease by up to 60% more than those who do not smoke.

Were added by the researchers, that the consequences of smoking for women also can worsen the appearance. Toxins from cigarettes makes the skin loses its natural moisture, making it appear wrinkles, skin besisik, dry and dull. Physically, women who smoke will seem much older than actual age. While the health risks of pregnant women will experience not only himself, but also to the fetus in her womb. Medically cigarettes are responsible for preterm birth, defects and miscarriage.

So do not waste your life with smoke ya ..


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