Kamis, 15 November 2012

Lazy Girls Do Sports

Fear of fitness because it did not want to look muscular. Easy exercise alone but can also be organized. Well, often the greatest fear woman when asked to fitness is "gee I do not want to wait muscular ..." or "I'm afraid if I'm muscular ..." whereas, to have muscles like bodybuilders female bodybuilders that require extra training and high discipline. So do not be that easy to print muscles and athletic bodies. Whereas for us, daily fitness activities will help to keep the body fit, muscle contains, and sagging fat in certain body parts. In addition, fitness also helps us control the weight, so stay on the ideal number.How should dong fitness exercise is good for the body? Let's follow some of these tips.
1. 30 minutes every day
The key is not on how long you exercise, but do exercise regularly. If it is busy makes you not have much time for fitness, you can do 30 minutes, at least 5 times a week.Regular exercise helps you lose weight, maintain a healthy weight, scrape the fat in some parts of the body, maintaining the vitality of the body and make the body and more toned skin.
2. Keep blood sugar
"Do not go workout on an empty stomach," said Denny Santoso, an expert on fitness, diet and nutrition. Fitness exercise on an empty stomach will only make the body weak, not powerful and reluctantly, as a result be less than the maximum workout. In addition, when sometimes sugar is too low, the body prone to dizziness and sweating. This condition is actually harmless, but it will make the body so drop.For that, one hour prior to exercise your body should be an essential nutrient intake, which can be filling and increase energy. Solid food is actually okay to eat, but it is more advisable to consume food in liquid form such as high-protein milk.
3. Best exercise for women
If asked, what is the best exercise for women, then the answer is cardio and weight training. Both of these exercises have been adapted to the needs of the majority of women who prefer to lose or maintain weight.In this exercise, you can choose aerobic exercise, exercise bike, stepper or treadmill. And once again, need to be reminded that the most important is the repetition and routine exercise, not how long you exercise.
4. How many times until the goal is reached?
Before doing the exercise, you must first create a goal for your workout. Whether it's to gain weight, lose weight, shape the body, make your target schedule. With a regular program, at least in the 4 weeks you've seen the results of the exercise.
5. Keep nutrition
Want to maximize your workout results, can not rely on exercise alone. Since you also have to meet nutritional needs, and avoid high-fat menu that will derail your program.

Hopefully Helpful

Source: Vemale.com

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